Become a spinster! Be the first to register for a class at Public Market!
Learn to make your own yarn. In two sessions you will learn the basics of using a drop spindle to make a single ply yarn, a 2-ply yarn, and finishing techniques. There will be tea and coffee available and possibly some snacks.
Each participant will receive a kit that includes a drop spindle and a variety of roving (wool to spin). Everyone is encouraged to keep spinning and come to Fiber Fridays for any troubleshooting or tips
Date: April 5 & 6
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: Arcticorp Building, downtown Juneau 418 Harris St. Rm 403
Tricky to find, specific directions will be emailed to registrants!
Please note this building is not the most accessible, there is not an elevator. To access the least amount of stairs, enter through the 5th St. entrance. Participants will need full use of arms and legs. Pants are recommended.
Become a spinster! Be the first to register for a class at Public Market!
Learn to make your own yarn. In two sessions you will learn the basics of using a drop spindle to make a single ply yarn, a 2-ply yarn, and finishing techniques. There will be tea and coffee available and possibly some snacks.
Each participant will receive a kit that includes a drop spindle and a variety of roving (wool to spin). Everyone is encouraged to keep spinning and come to Fiber Fridays for any troubleshooting or tips
Date: April 5 & 6
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: Arcticorp Building, downtown Juneau 418 Harris St. Rm 403
Tricky to find, specific directions will be emailed to registrants!
Please note this building is not the most accessible, there is not an elevator. To access the least amount of stairs, enter through the 5th St. entrance. Participants will need full use of arms and legs. Pants are recommended.